HAIRMETTO® Topisches Sägepalmenserum – Nicht fettend für den Alltag, beugt Haarausfall vor und stellt das Wachstum wieder her

HAIRMETTO® Topisches Sägepalmenserum – Nicht fettend für den Alltag, beugt Haarausfall vor und stellt das Wachstum wieder her

Peppermint scent Leave-in Calm inflammation
Normaler Preis $ 49.99
Experience the ultimate solution for hair loss with our non-oily hair serum. Formulated for daytime use, it effectively blocks DHT, soothes scalp inflammation, and stimulates follicles to promote new growth. Get ready to rejuvenate your hair with our potent hair serum for hair regrowth.
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Customer Reviews

Based on 30 reviews
Dominique (Mankato, US)
Day serum

I like it because it is all natural and not greasy light the night one. I use it twice a day. Too soon to tell. Will you posted.

D.W. (North Mankato, US)
Daytime serum

I love it! It tingles on your scalp and has a pleasant smell and the ingle is refreshing. I love the proven ingredients. Will continue the treatment.

Yes, the peppermint essential oil provides the tingling, which stimulates vital circulation to the roots. Keep up the good work! And thank you for your feedback.

D.W. (North Mankato, US)
non greasy formula

I like the ingredients but the price is too high. I don’t know about the efficacy yet as it takes longer than 1 bottle to be able to evaluate. Thanks

D.W. (Minneapolis, US)
Hairmetto non greasy formula

Don’t know yet but the ingredients are perfect! Will update in a few weeks. Has not been long enough.

Thomas Leatherbury (Pascagoula, US)

Leaves my hair with too much residue.

Hi Thomas, we appreciate your feedback and wish your experience with the Daytime Serum had been better for you. Since the Serum is designed as a leave-in scalp treatment, its important not to use too much. Just a few drops massaged right into the scalp will deliver the benefits to your roots without coating the hair strands too much. If you'd prefer something completely oil-free, you may want to consider the Ecklonia Cava with biotin, MSM and niacinamide for healthy roots, flexible hold styling and hair growth. We'd be happy to arrange something with you directly if you'd like to send us an email. All the best! Hairmetto Team.

Product Information

Experience the ultimate solution for hair loss with our non-oily hair serum. Formulated for daytime use, it effectively blocks DHT, soothes scalp inflammation, and stimulates follicles to promote new growth. Get ready to rejuvenate your hair with our potent hair serum for hair regrowth.

Take a look at our list of natural ingredients.

Introducing a non-greasy hair serum for hair loss - perfect for daytime use and specifically formulated to combat hair loss and promote hair regrowth. This topical serum for hair loss is designed to penetrate your hair roots and dry quickly, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine. To apply, tip the applicator nozzle and add a few drops directly onto the areas of your scalp where the hair is thinning.

Massage it in style as desired.

You can allow it to dry naturally or use a blow dryer. This topical serum for hair regrowth is packed with nutrients that nourish your roots throughout the day.

For even better results in preventing DHT-related hair loss, we recommend using our HAIRMETTO® Topical Saw Palmetto Oil once a week, overnight, after using a scalp derma roller. This powerful combination will enhance the enzyme-blocking benefits of Saw Palmetto and Pumpkin Seed while also stimulating new cell and collagen production.

All of our products, including the HAIRMETTO® Hair Restoration Kit, are available. Try our hair serum for hair regrowth and see the difference for yourself.

This topical hair serum is formulated to address hair loss and promote hair regrowth. It has a thick, gel-like consistency with a refreshing peppermint scent that invigorates the scalp upon application. The high menthol content of the serum provides a cooling and tingling sensation, which activates the hair follicles and stimulates hair growth.

If you're looking for a reliable hair serum for hair loss or regrowth, this topical serum is a great choice.

Want to protect your hair and keep DHT away? Meet the top products: HAIRMETTO® Topical Oil and HAIRMETTO® Topical Serum.

But what's the difference? Let's break it down:

1) HAIRMETTO® Oil has been our flagship product since 2014, and it's entirely oil-based. It deeply penetrates the roots overnight to prevent DHT from weakening the follicle and Saw Palmetto and Pumpkin seed work together to stop the enzyme that converts testosterone into harmful DHT. By morning, most of the oil has been absorbed, and you'll likely need to wash it out with a gentle shampoo.

2) HAIRMETTO® Topical Serum for hair loss and hair regrowth is water-based for a gel-like consistency, packed with Saw Palmetto extract, Stinging Nettle, and Japanese Peppermint. This combination prevents DHT buildup, soothes the scalp by calming inflammation, and stimulates blood circulation to promote healthy hair growth. You can leave in this hair serum for hair regrowth all day without feeling oily; it even has a slight hold for styling.

Both products complement each other (including the scalp roller for hair growth - sold separately or in the KIT), provide continuous day & night defence against DHT buildup, anti-inflammatory scalp protection, enhanced blood circulation, and nutrient antioxidant support for new growth - without any drug-related side effects.

(Even those who do not suffer from androgenetic alopecia will appreciate the soothing, anti-inflammatory properties if they suffer from seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, dandruff, excessive sebum production, scalp psoriasis or a host of other scalp conditions caused by inflammation.)

See the collection of all HAIRMETTO topical saw palmetto natural scalp treatments.

Hair regrowth takes time and patience...and it is possible. When you begin to notice thinning or hair loss, taking action as soon as possible is essential to nourish your hair roots and promote healthy growth. Regularly using topical scalp treatments like HAIRMETTO® Topical Saw Palmetto for hair loss, you can provide your roots with the nutrients they need to thrive.

It's important to remember that healthy roots are the foundation for healthy hair, and while it may take longer for those who have experienced hair loss over a more extended time, improvement can be felt in just days or weeks. Regrowth can become visible within 3-6 months. The sooner you start - especially if you use it along with hair restoration micro-needling, or the Dermaroller for hair loss - the sooner you'll see results.

There is no overnight cure, but you can see real results with consistency and daily application of quality nutrients. So don't wait any longer. Start today and give your hair the love and nourishment it deserves.

We want our customers to be completely satisfied with our products. That's why we offer a happiness guarantee. We stand behind the quality of our products and are committed to providing you with a positive shopping experience.

Click here to learn more about our Happiness Guarantee.

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